Interested in Joining?

I am excited to work with Virginia Tech students (undergraduate, MS, or PhD) interested in conducting impactful software engineering research. Our research approach involves performing empirical studies to characterize problems in software engineering and using interdisciplinary techniques and developing automated tools to overcome these issues. Overall, we aim to be a diverse team of researchers producing outward facing research in software engineering through the exploration of cutting edge tools and current trends in society. More information about the Code World, No Blanket research group is available here.

The research webpage provides an overview of our work and lists projects and studies we are currently working on in the lab. However, if you would like to propose your own work we are always open to supporting new and creative ideas to improve problems in software engineering. I generally require a prior relationship with students (i.e. take my class, TA for my class, complete an independent study, etc.) before admitting them into the group. This is to determine whether we can work together well and if our partnership will be mutually beneficial for our research objectives and your personal goals.

Virginia Tech has one of the top-ranked software engineering research programs in the US! If you are a potential graduate student, check out software engineering at VT and consider applying to Virginia Tech for your PhD or MS degree. To apply to join our group, please send me an email (dcbrown at with the following information:

To learn more information about my work and research goals, please check out the lab website or view my doctoral research page, dissertation, previous publications, and research statement.

To Research Lab website
To Dr. Brown's website